Friday, March 21, 2008

So I fixed it. Well, maybe not. But the depression floated away and I decided to just do something practical about my displeasure. So I sent three people comments on myspace. Although, that never seems to advance my friendships... but let's not be a killjoy.

And I, for the first time, gave out my most recent sn publicly. Except once when I accidentally put it on James's page in a comment and then Joe took it from the page and IMed me and I found out where he got it and deleted the comment.

Otherwise, I've only given it out one at a time. Very protective. OF WHAT? Well, obviously of all the horrible people who needed to stop IMing me. I was tired of having to block a hundred people.

However, I can't put the new sn to use if there's nobody to talk to.

I sometimes feel invisible on myspace, so I can't say that my sn will be put to any use but sometimes it's not about the company I have, as much as it's the way I feel when I do or don't have company.

And putting a general but welcoming energy out there is like saying I'm open to people. And that's the best I can do right now.

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