Monday, June 16, 2008

[23:14] WriteTheRock: do u drink?
[23:14] IAMSpartacus117: Not really.
[23:14] WriteTheRock: yeah, i drink a little
[23:15] IAMSpartacus117: I had a Christmas party but I didn't really invite anyone but Kristen and my sister invited a bunch of friends, some over 21 so there was alcohol there.
[23:16] IAMSpartacus117: and Me, Kristen and our friend Nick were sitting around each with a cup and I was like, Are we all pretending this tastes good or what?
[23:16] WriteTheRock: yeah, sometimes alcohol just makes parties stupid
[23:16] WriteTheRock: haha
[23:16] WriteTheRock: its an aquired taste, u have to compare it to seltzer, which it does
[23:16] WriteTheRock: yaste better then
[23:17] IAMSpartacus117: I drink seltzer.
[23:17] IAMSpartacus117: But it doesn't make me throw up.
[23:17] IAMSpartacus117: ;)
[23:17] WriteTheRock: why would seltzer mak u throw up?
[23:17] IAMSpartacus117: Why would I drink ANYTHING that made me throw up? That's the question.
[23:17] IAMSpartacus117: *makes
[23:18] WriteTheRock: u wouldnt
[23:18] IAMSpartacus117: People do, probably half the time alcohol is consumed.
[23:18] WriteTheRock: i know
[23:18] WriteTheRock: i have several times
[23:19] WriteTheRock: its quite gross
[23:20] IAMSpartacus117: My line says it all, as far as I'm concerned. There's so many things inherently wrong with alcohol but aside from the change in perception and feelings, which some people want or feel they need, most of it is just culture values. And so I say, are we all just pretending this tastes good? I think culturally we value it despite the fact that it's useless. And nobody says it because then they would be going against the cultural values and nobody wants to do that unless it's culturally valued - like punk.
[23:20] IAMSpartacus117: Not to be so absolutist about all the different types of people.
[23:20] IAMSpartacus117: Just the worst people.
[23:21] WriteTheRock: yeah
[23:21] WriteTheRock: i dont know, its fun but its not something to be taken lightly, because it is literally a poison
[23:22] IAMSpartacus117: Drinking wine is kind of like drinking mold.
[23:23] WriteTheRock: yeah i guess so, when u think about it
[23:23] IAMSpartacus117: It's kind of like Blue cheese.
[23:23] IAMSpartacus117: I really don't understand that either.
[23:23] IAMSpartacus117: How do you know when it's good cheese if you can only tell by how, eh, rotten it is?
[23:24] WriteTheRock: valid point
[23:24] IAMSpartacus117: Anyway, why did you ask? about me drinking?
[23:25] WriteTheRock: just wondering if u were a crazy part person like some of my friends
[23:25] IAMSpartacus117: I'm not crazy at all.
[23:25] WriteTheRock: or someone who just does it occasionally
[23:25] WriteTheRock: i know your not crazy
[23:25] IAMSpartacus117: What I mean is, I'm not wild.
[23:26] WriteTheRock: yeah
[23:26] WriteTheRock: well one thing that can be said about the social use of alcohol is that by diluting the senses it seems to help breka the ice
[23:26] WriteTheRock: but then people just keep drinking
[23:27] WriteTheRock: until they are to stupified to do anything other then drink
[23:27] WriteTheRock: too*
[23:27] IAMSpartacus117: *than
[23:27] IAMSpartacus117: ;)
[23:28] IAMSpartacus117: :p
[23:28] WriteTheRock: lol
[23:28] WriteTheRock: :-P
[23:28] IAMSpartacus117: Sorry. You corrected one thing, I thought I would help you out with the second one.
[23:28] WriteTheRock: haha
[23:28] IAMSpartacus117: Sometimes I can't help showing off.
[23:28] WriteTheRock: ditto
[23:29] IAMSpartacus117: Although today I caught myself saying "wear" instead of "where" and I was like wtf?
[23:29] IAMSpartacus117: rather, typing it.
[23:29] WriteTheRock: yeah
[23:29] WriteTheRock: i figured
[23:29] IAMSpartacus117: Right.
[23:29] IAMSpartacus117: Are you deliberately trying not to contradict or disagree with me?
[23:30] WriteTheRock: no
[23:30] IAMSpartacus117: Okay, just checking.
[23:30] WriteTheRock: lol?
[23:31] IAMSpartacus117: Truth be told, most people don't agree with me. It's a complete shocker because I'm a very sensible, honest, fair and rational person. But I think that's what they dislike. That I'm too straightforward about things that they refuse to admit. In any case, whatever it is, I have gotten the sense over the years that people don't or won't agree with me.
[23:32] IAMSpartacus117: Partly because of my own problems with not feeling that my opinions had enough worth, and then projecting it...
[23:32] WriteTheRock: i try to stay open minded
[23:32] IAMSpartacus117: What I'm saying is, I'm a little suspicious when people agree with me. Those that do are usually the ones trying to be agreeable so as not to cross paths with me.
[23:33] WriteTheRock: ok
[23:33] IAMSpartacus117: I am, in fact, quite scary when you cross my path, but I try to control myself over small things.
[23:33] IAMSpartacus117: It's just that, I can see when you type.. and sometimes you type and wait around a bit and then you stop or say something short. So I wonder if you're not saying all that you're really thinking.
[23:33] WriteTheRock: sometimes i stop because it doesnt make much sense
[23:34] WriteTheRock: or is completely irrelevant or random
[23:34] IAMSpartacus117: I see.
[23:35] WriteTheRock: or am thinking about what else to say, but then it often falls into the previous categories
[23:35] IAMSpartacus117: Ah.
[23:35] WriteTheRock: plus my comp is being slow
[23:35] IAMSpartacus117: Oh.
[23:35] WriteTheRock: whats the purpose of life?
[23:35] WriteTheRock: what do you think it is
[23:36] IAMSpartacus117: Read my book.
[23:36] WriteTheRock: lol
[23:36] IAMSpartacus117: I have a very strong opinion about what the purpose of life is.
[23:36] IAMSpartacus117: Many, and I believe that I don't have the full answer but I also believe that with the status of how things are right now, there are many things we need to do first before we can fulfill any other original meaning to life, or any future meaning to life.
[23:37] IAMSpartacus117: I don't think there's an absolute answer for every one or every time. There are answers that we share, but they don't stay absolute. They move and change when people change and progress. or degress, I suppose.
[23:37] WriteTheRock: have you started looking into publishers? how are u going to go about that?
[23:39] IAMSpartacus117: There are independent options. My dad has his own publishing... thing. As in, he writes the books and publishes it under his logo which is Moretolife Publishing and he sends it to the printers and distrubtes it independently. he has a website and he also has them on amazon.
[23:39] WriteTheRock: ok
[23:39] IAMSpartacus117: In other words, I'll publish it under his logo.
[23:39] WriteTheRock: how hard is it to like sell a book through barnes and noble?
[23:40] WriteTheRock: so its kind of like making a cd through an independent label
[23:40] IAMSpartacus117: Well, I think that barnes and noble prefers to deal with popular publishers, because they don't want to do the work of figuring out what's good or not or what will sell, so they probably take the word of the publishers, in that sense. Though I can't be certain.
[23:41] IAMSpartacus117: So I don't know how quickly they would take a book independently published.
[23:41] IAMSpartacus117: But I know that they would take a profit.
[23:41] WriteTheRock: def
[23:42] IAMSpartacus117: That's why my dad is doing things independently, essentially. Although it depends on how you look at it because the more it gets around, the more people will buy it and the more money you will make. If it doesn't get around, less people will buy it, and you'll make less money, even if you get to keep almost all of it because you didn't use any store or publisher who takes some of your profit.
[23:42] WriteTheRock: yeah, but spreading the word can be a problem
[23:42] IAMSpartacus117: But my dad's book isn't mainstream anyway, and the people who are looking for it, find it.
[23:42] IAMSpartacus117: *books
[23:43] IAMSpartacus117: My dad has like 15. my mom has two.
[23:43] WriteTheRock: sweet
[23:43] IAMSpartacus117: My book isn't mainstream either, so I'm not really fixated on whether it will sell or not.
[23:44] WriteTheRock: yeah
[23:44] IAMSpartacus117: I know that it's an amazing book. But it's not for everybody, not with their state of mind.
[23:44] IAMSpartacus117: So it's not about being popular. it's about helping and connecting with those who are ready.
[23:46] WriteTheRock: i dont think if i wrote anything it would be mainstream
[23:46] WriteTheRock: either
[23:46] WriteTheRock: b/c catering to the masses isnt what i have in mind
[23:46] WriteTheRock: you dont seem to either
[23:47] WriteTheRock: b/c the masses cant comprehend that much
[23:47] IAMSpartacus117: No. To cater to the masses is to lower my standards and I have no use for that.
[23:47] IAMSpartacus117: exactly.
[23:47] WriteTheRock: i know
[23:48] WriteTheRock: there are some good writers who are very popular, like Grisham for instance
[23:49] WriteTheRock: well he tells a good story, he's not exactly classic literary material
[23:49] IAMSpartacus117: Yeah.
[23:50] IAMSpartacus117: Even when really amazing people do become "mainstream," it's usually taken to another dimension entirely, understood at a lesser level and conquently misunderstood. And it really only becomes a habit or a fad for the masses to participate.
[23:50] IAMSpartacus117: Like, sorry to offend, Christianity. Or Buddhism.
[23:51] WriteTheRock: no offense at all
[23:51] WriteTheRock: definately not
[23:51] WriteTheRock: communism
[23:51] IAMSpartacus117: Jesus and Buddha were amazing, but I don't think that Christianity and Buddhism always reflect what's most amazing about their teachings.
[23:51] WriteTheRock: im not that familiar with buddhism, but ill take ur word for it, def with christianity
[23:52] IAMSpartacus117: Yeah. I think I lot of people follow but never really understand. So they just make a ritual out of the teachings. Something to, again, follow blindly but never truly understand or apply in the way it was meant to.
[23:52] WriteTheRock: Religion is the opiate of the masses
[23:52] IAMSpartacus117: Like going to church on sundays or going to confession in catholism.
[23:53] WriteTheRock: it makes people happy
[23:53] WriteTheRock: and good for them
[23:53] IAMSpartacus117: Or people believe it makes them happy, believe that it fulfills them.
[23:53] WriteTheRock: and if it does, thats excelent, its just not for everybody
[23:53] IAMSpartacus117: Not that I believe that the teachings don't have the ability to make people satisfied and fulfilled. They do, but not when you take them out of context and make them a blind ritual.
[23:54] WriteTheRock: yes
[23:54] WriteTheRock: can i ask another question?
[23:54] IAMSpartacus117: Yes.
[23:54] WriteTheRock: do you like to cuddle? ;-)
[23:54] IAMSpartacus117: lol.
[23:54] WriteTheRock: lol
[23:55] IAMSpartacus117: I don't really have an answer. I get asked this question in surveys and it's like I neither desire it nor dislike it. I don't really think about it. Yes, I like being physically and emotionally close to people, and that's what cuddling is about. But I've never felt particularly attracted to what the word "cuddling" portrays.
[23:55] IAMSpartacus117: I don't know why. It was just never the write verb.
[23:55] IAMSpartacus117: *right
[23:56] WriteTheRock: 1sec
[23:56] IAMSpartacus117: ok.
[23:57] WriteTheRock: i just checked out what it meant on a dictionary
[23:58] IAMSpartacus117: Sorry to make it so complicated. But, in fact, that's what writers do. They try to understand the specific meaning of words so that they can accurately portray what they mean.
[23:58] IAMSpartacus117: So what does it mean?
[23:59] WriteTheRock: to hold close in an affectionate manner; hug tenderly; fondle.
[23:59] IAMSpartacus117: I love looking up ordinary words that I've never needed to look up before, and comparing what I always had the impression they meant to what they are defined as.
[23:59] WriteTheRock: yeah
[23:59] WriteTheRock: no i dont mind you making it difficult
[23:59] WriteTheRock: its a different outlook, its intriguing
[00:00] IAMSpartacus117: Yes. I like to hold close in an affectionate manner, hug tenderly, fondle.
[00:00] WriteTheRock: lol
[00:00] IAMSpartacus117: I guess the idea of cuddling is like an act in itself. Like you just sit there and cuddle. I don't specifically like that.
[00:00] WriteTheRock: yeah
[00:00] WriteTheRock: its more just a thing that happens
[00:00] IAMSpartacus117: Yeah.
[00:01] WriteTheRock: its not let us perform the act of holding close in an affectionate manner
[00:01] WriteTheRock: forgot ""
[00:01] IAMSpartacus117: Yeah. not something you need to try to do.
[00:01] WriteTheRock: b/c that kills it
[00:01] IAMSpartacus117: Well it's contrived.
[00:01] WriteTheRock: into what>
[00:01] WriteTheRock: ?
[00:02] WriteTheRock: from what?
[00:02] IAMSpartacus117: con·trived Audio Help /kənˈtraɪvd/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[kuhn-trahyvd] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
obviously planned or forced; artificial; strained:
[00:02] WriteTheRock: yes
[00:03] IAMSpartacus117: I think it's just been made into a big deal because of that whole women/men, should we cuddle after sex, or should we be an asshole and leave?
[00:03] IAMSpartacus117: I never cuddled after sex, in fact. But I mean I cuddled when we wanted to feel close to each other.
[00:03] WriteTheRock: haha
[00:03] WriteTheRock: yeah
[00:03] WriteTheRock: being the guy i was forced to go along with it, and sometimes u just dont want to
[00:04] WriteTheRock: and if u dont, ur a fucking asshole
[00:04] IAMSpartacus117: :)
[00:04] IAMSpartacus117: Yeah, well, being a girl, you get forced to go along with sex when you really don't want to.
[00:05] WriteTheRock: i guess so
[00:05] IAMSpartacus117: and if you don't, you're useless and he's going to find someone who puts out, either while he's dating you or dump you.
[00:05] WriteTheRock: yeah, that can eb the case
[00:05] IAMSpartacus117: Guys pressure girls physically. girls pressure guys emotionally.
[00:05] WriteTheRock: so on paper it equals out
[00:05] WriteTheRock: tit for tat
[00:06] IAMSpartacus117: well. no.
[00:06] WriteTheRock: but not in the real world
[00:07] IAMSpartacus117: I don't mean to go all feminist on you but it doesn't hurt a guy to lie about his emotions to please a chick. It does hurt a chick to physically let herself be used.
[00:07] WriteTheRock: yes
[00:07] IAMSpartacus117: Not that I think women should feel that they are victims. But I just don't think that women's pressure is as destructive as men's.
[00:08] IAMSpartacus117: in fact, I think it's healthy for men to express themselves emotionally. not to just give a woman what she wants, but to elaborate and feel more.
[00:08] WriteTheRock: yes, sometimes its hard
[00:08] WriteTheRock: i am not good at it
[00:08] IAMSpartacus117: The only thing I can say is that it's probably not very healthy.
[00:09] WriteTheRock: to never say anything?
[00:09] IAMSpartacus117: I was actually just talking to myself about this today, in my blog.
[00:09] IAMSpartacus117: if you don't feel dramatically, there's nothing wrong with it. but if you feel dramatically but you suppress it, it becomes unhealthy.
[00:10] IAMSpartacus117: you neither should revel in your dramatic feelings the way women do, nor should you suppress them.
[00:10] IAMSpartacus117: You need to express yourself but resolve what prompts you to be so extreme.
[00:10] WriteTheRock: revel or reveal?
[00:10] IAMSpartacus117: revel
[00:10] WriteTheRock: ok
[00:10] IAMSpartacus117: men are usually extreme with anger anyway, and that's definitely an emotion.
[00:11] WriteTheRock: not a good one
[00:11] IAMSpartacus117: emotions can be very, very unhealthy. but rejecting them doesn't make them go away. so acting like you don't have them or can't be in touch with them, just lets them destroy you under the surface.
[00:11] IAMSpartacus117: the only way to get control of your emotional body and be happy and healthy is to express what you feel in a controlled area, and work through it.
[00:12] WriteTheRock: ever think about being a shrink?
[00:12] IAMSpartacus117: Yes.
[00:12] IAMSpartacus117: That's the point of being a psychology major.
[00:12] WriteTheRock: for most people
[00:12] IAMSpartacus117: But, I have since found out that psychology isn't enough to help people.
[00:12] IAMSpartacus117: It only scratches the surface. I dig way deeper than that.
[00:12] IAMSpartacus117: That's why I'm writing my book.
[00:13] WriteTheRock: ok
[00:13] WriteTheRock: what do u think about this?
[00:13] WriteTheRock: i think "performing the act of holding close in an affectionate manner" while at kaaterskill falls would be fun
[00:13] IAMSpartacus117: ha.
[00:14] IAMSpartacus117: I think that it would be uncomfortable.
[00:14] IAMSpartacus117: It's not like laying in the grass. It's like laying on a rock slab.
[00:14] WriteTheRock: yeah
[00:14] WriteTheRock: mmmm
[00:14] WriteTheRock: the banks of the hudson sound better
[00:15] IAMSpartacus117: So I guess I don't have to ask if You like cuddling?
[00:15] WriteTheRock: if its not contrived
[00:15] WriteTheRock: or akward
[00:16] IAMSpartacus117: Didn't you just make it contrived by preplanning it?
[00:16] WriteTheRock: oops
[00:16] IAMSpartacus117: ..
[00:16] WriteTheRock: :-!
[00:16] WriteTheRock: :-X
[00:17] IAMSpartacus117: :)
[00:17] WriteTheRock: =-O
[00:17] WriteTheRock: lol
[00:17] WriteTheRock: it wasnt my intention
[00:17] IAMSpartacus117: Anyway.
[00:18] WriteTheRock: haha, i just made it both!
[00:19] IAMSpartacus117: Both? What's the second?
[00:19] WriteTheRock: awkward
[00:19] WriteTheRock: lol
[00:20] IAMSpartacus117: I don't really get in awkward situations.
[00:20] IAMSpartacus117: Cause when things could be awkward, I just kind of step back and detach myself from the situation.
[00:20] WriteTheRock: mhmm
[00:20] IAMSpartacus117: And then I kind of watch it from afar.
[00:21] WriteTheRock: interesting way of putting it
[00:22] IAMSpartacus117: I think that awkwardness partly happens when there are expectations.
[00:22] WriteTheRock: and they dont get fulfilled
[00:22] IAMSpartacus117: And either you feel pressured to meet them or you're pressuring someone else to meet them.
[00:23] IAMSpartacus117: Yeah, so I just relax and step away from the expectations, instead of making it worse by hastely trying ot make it better because of the pressure.
[00:23] IAMSpartacus117: And I try not to have too many expectations when I'm asking something of someone else. So that they have room to say no if they want to.
[00:23] IAMSpartacus117: ... just in case you wanted to know.
[00:24] WriteTheRock: having room to maneuver is always good
[00:24] IAMSpartacus117: Not feel awkward is always good.
[00:24] WriteTheRock: yeah
[00:24] IAMSpartacus117: *feeling.
[00:25] WriteTheRock: b/c if u feel awkward, why let yourself into a potentially simular situation
[00:26] IAMSpartacus117: What?
[00:27] WriteTheRock: i dunno
[00:28] WriteTheRock: its not a great feeling o be put into a thing were u dfont neccessarily want to be
[00:28] IAMSpartacus117: Oh. I see. You're saying don't put someone else into a situation which you, yourself, dislike??
[00:29] WriteTheRock: i guess
[00:29] IAMSpartacus117: lol. I know you didn't say anything about the other person.
[00:29] IAMSpartacus117: I think I get what you meant.
[00:29] WriteTheRock: well i was referring for both people
[00:31] IAMSpartacus117: Ah.
[00:32] WriteTheRock: im kindof tired, so i may not make sense
[00:33] IAMSpartacus117: Can I ask why you'd want to cuddle up at kaaterskill?
[00:33] WriteTheRock: its a great view
[00:33] WriteTheRock: but it wouldnt be all that comfortable
[00:33] WriteTheRock: the water's relaxing
[00:33] IAMSpartacus117: Let me rephrase that. Can I ask why you would specifically want to cuddle with me?
[00:34] WriteTheRock: because it would be fun
[00:34] IAMSpartacus117: how so?
[00:35] WriteTheRock: because you are an attractive and interesting person
[00:35] IAMSpartacus117: True.
[00:36] IAMSpartacus117: But the question is, are You an attractive and interesting person?
[00:36] IAMSpartacus117: ;)
[00:36] WriteTheRock: its up to the eye of the beholder
[00:36] WriteTheRock: i like to think so
[00:36] WriteTheRock: or i would be if i lost 20 pounds
[00:36] IAMSpartacus117: I don't make decisions as quickly as you, I guess.
[00:37] WriteTheRock: it can be a good thing
[00:38] WriteTheRock: impulsivity isnt always a good thign
[00:38] IAMSpartacus117: you need to have a balance.
[00:38] IAMSpartacus117: between the two.
[00:38] WriteTheRock: yes
[00:40] WriteTheRock: whats the main focus of buddhism?
[00:40] IAMSpartacus117: I think the main focus is about, in modern day terms, the search for fulfillment in the wrong ways.
[00:41] IAMSpartacus117: I think that Buddha saw that people wanted to be fullfilled and satisfied, but that they didn't understand who they were, and thus, could not seek fulfillment in the wrong identity.
[00:41] IAMSpartacus117: So they suffered.
[00:41] WriteTheRock: like in the book Siddhartha
[00:42] IAMSpartacus117: I dunno, I almost didn't like that book.
[00:42] WriteTheRock: i didnt at the time
[00:42] WriteTheRock: i acually had completely forgotten about it until ohh, 1 min ago
[00:42] IAMSpartacus117: Cause, the author says that Siddhartha is enlightened, but Siddhartha's actions don't reflect an enlightened person, in my opinion.
[00:42] WriteTheRock: ok
[00:43] IAMSpartacus117: But, Siddartha was kind of a weird book.
[00:43] WriteTheRock: yes
[00:43] IAMSpartacus117: It wasn't really about Buddhism, I think it was more like it was about Buddha, himself, except for the fact that Buddha, himself, was in the story. And Buddha didn't ever run into Buddha in his life.
[00:44] WriteTheRock: yeah
[00:46] WriteTheRock: isnt enlightenment the 8 fold path?
[00:46] IAMSpartacus117: Yeah.
[00:46] IAMSpartacus117: Taking the eight fold path is supposed to bring you to enlightenment.
[00:46] WriteTheRock: what is it?
[00:46] IAMSpartacus117: the path?
[00:47] WriteTheRock: yes
[00:47] IAMSpartacus117: let me just pull out my eastern philosophy text book.
[00:47] IAMSpartacus117: :)
[00:47] WriteTheRock: lol
[00:48] WriteTheRock: the happening looks lame
[00:48] IAMSpartacus117: I don't really care for horrors.
[00:48] WriteTheRock: me neither
[00:49] IAMSpartacus117: The eightfold path is: Right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness and right concentration.
[00:49] WriteTheRock: ok
[00:49] IAMSpartacus117: But it's not sequential.
[00:51] IAMSpartacus117: It's more like you better your conduct, your wisdom and your will power step by step, in your own way, until you've perfected them all.
[00:51] WriteTheRock: so its the road to self improvement
[00:51] IAMSpartacus117: I don't really like the idea of the eightfold path though. I don't really agree with following directions. For some it's necessary, but for me, I just listen to the wisdom. It's all I need.
[00:54] IAMSpartacus117: But, I also think that Buddha's teachings were only a puzzle piece to a bigger picture. I don't believe that everyone can solve all their problems by following Buddha's teachings. I think that you take what you can from Buddha and whomever else you feel is wise and you create a whole picture. People like to isolate teachings and make them an absolute system. But all wise teachings are interrelated, they form a bigger picture.
[00:54] WriteTheRock: yeah
[00:54] WriteTheRock: im going to go to bed
[00:54] WriteTheRock: nice talking to you
[00:54] IAMSpartacus117: k.
[00:54] IAMSpartacus117: Night.
[00:55] WriteTheRock: mhm

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