Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Aw, Loren is coming back tomorrow. He says he's running low on money and he's tired of traveling. Well, what do you expect? Traveling is hard, especially for months at a time. He's been gone for a month. I missed him, I've just been saying that in surveys. But I also was glad to have the freedom to have my space. It's not that Loren invades my space by any means. It's more that, having him here, such a good buddy, I can't help but spend time with him every night. Like there's no reason not to. It's just something we do, chill together. :p So it's like, I can't think of a good reason to spend time alone when he's here. But I need to spend time alone, especially when I write my book. I don't want him to go back to Utah and I especially want to go hiking with him. I can take him everywhere. :)

I also have been using his laptop for my book! I mean, my dad has a laptop and my mom has a laptop. I won't necessarily be without. But it was nice to have a laptop that I could keep in my room with the UBS disk, always at the ready, and I could take it outside and I didn't need to worry about using it when they weren't or finding it around the house. It was there, at the ready, for whenever I felt I needed to write. I can use my mom's but it is huge and the battery sucks, I think because it's so huge, so I need to worry about cords more than with my brother's. And I can use my dad's but then I have to convert all the files over to Pages, because his is a mac. And that takes time, time that I shouldn't have to waste when inspiration strikes. I had settled into how things were with my brother's laptop. I wasn't even writing on my own computer, even when I was in my room. Because then I would ultimately have to transfer it over to his laptop the next day when I wanted to write outside. So now I have to start writing on my computer and doing all the USB transferring to other people's laptops. Ugh.


But I'll be happy to have him here and I hope he stays for the summer.

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