Thursday, February 14, 2008

Well, if I had a Valentine, it would be nice timing that my period just ended...

Speaking of which, this was the easiest week to survive because I was already so miserably out of my mind when it began and for the few days afterwards that I could not even tell the difference between not being on my period and being on my period.

I mean, what makes it miserable every month is the contrast between before and after. But there was no contrast this time. And before I knew it it was Wed again.

Isis cries a lot in the morning when she spends time with Mommy. She doesn't want her to leave and Amelia doesn't, apparently, know how to comfort her because she cried a lot today. It's annoying to wake up to... over and over again. In one day.

So I finally got up and I sympathetically told Isis that I know she misses mommy and that she had fun playing with mommy yesterday because school was canceled. And that she wants to play with mommy today but mommy needs to go to school and then she WILL be back. After she started hearing it (cause how much can you really hear when you're crying awfully loud?) she calmed down a bit.

She needs sympathy. Firm sympathy though. You can't encourage crying, but you can acknowledge her feelings. Seriously, it helps her. She's only one and some but this is what helps.

Well, short but sweet. I think I'm going to shower and get breakfast. AT 8:08!!!!!! Ugh. This is not what I like to be doing at this time. But truth be told I went to sleep kind of early and that helped. And my alarm clock was set for 7:45 anyway. Although I don't leave until 10:30, so I don't know what I expect to be doing for nearly three hours.

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