Saturday, September 27, 2008

So, I had a dream about Matt. And this dream was completely out of context from work. And I liked him in the dream, though he didn't know yet.

That's all I have to say. Matt isn't working today, so I won't see him. Which is a shame, cause I love to see him. He's amazing. But let's stop right there.

I don't even know if he would make an amazing boyfriend. He seems almost a-sexual. Why am I attracted to guys like that? Well, okay, I'm not really attracted to guys like that. But James was also sorta a-sexual because of Liz. AAAAAAAAAAAand one of my keys is sticking, I wonder what's under there.

Ugh, so the 18 year old daughter next door is pregnant! ...

Hiho. I don't know why that's all I can think of to say. Not Hi, Ho. Like she's a slut. Not like that. Just the dwarf hiho expression.

In this context it's kind of like saying iyiyiye. Which Matt says all the time.


I hate it when kids gets pregnant. Scares me. At least she just barely graduated from high school. Though she was going to CoGreene and that will make things harder. Man. Does that mean that there's going to be a screaming infant next door? I hope she gets married and moves out.

I wonder if I missed it when she told her parents. lol. Cause I can hear everything. There was a fight that one night, outside. But I thought it was with the other daughter.

Anyway. They have like seven kids. So, that kind of gives teens the wrong idea, you know? Cause technically you have to start pretty early to get 'em all. Ew, that's like 14 years of pregnancies. You get a little time off in between. But only a little. Gross....

Though I'm easing into the idea.. of being pregnant. Not now, naturally. Please, not now. But I think I'll enjoy the bonding with the future baby. And the sacrifice. They gotta get born some way.

BUT I HAVE TO GOOOOOOO. I have to leave for work in 20 minutes and I still haven't showered. Bah.

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