Monday, September 15, 2008

This is ridiculous. I have to wake up in three hours and I'm not tired at all. I'd stay up, but that would be ridiculous too. I know in about five or six hours I'll start to feel miserable. I can't work eight hours on no sleep and I have to babysit Isis for an hour or two after work. And I have to go shopping. I need milk and bread and stuff. I have no breakfast foods. I have oatmeal, but I don't have any cinnamon or honey, so it won't taste good. And I like putting milk in my oatmeal.

I'm just filled with so much raw emotion, I don't know what to do with it. I'm a little bit scared of it. It feels so intimate. So invading. But I'm also excited. I want to do something with it. I want to touch somebody's neck. Necks for me are very intimate. They're soft and naked and a little bit conclave between the head and the shoulders. Just raw flesh, in a sense. But sexy raw flesh. Not like your armpit or something.

I want to make something of this raw emotion. I can't make it go away so I can relax and lose consciousness. I want to express it. And naturally, I want to do this by having sex. Cause, to me, connecting on the physical level is like sealing the deal. You can connect mentally, or emotionally or spiritually, and it's important. But I'm afraid to connect physically and that's why I'm attracted to it. And if you can express your mental, emotional and spiritual connection through physical affection, you're kind of sealing the deal.

Anyway, I have too many raw images in my head. Too many things I want to do to unsuspecting people. Who are probably sleeping right now. That maybe will make it go away. If I remind myself that I can't have an emotional, mental, spiritual or physical connection with people who don't really want to have one with me. But awww, what if they did. I bet Iliya thinks about me. Hmm. Now I'm sad for him.

I have a headache. This is not going to be a fun day.

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