Sunday, December 23, 2007

I had missed the sound of the rain. It's soothing. SHHHHHHH MY TYPING IS COVERING UP THE SOUND!

In that case, I'll make this quick. IT'S RAINING. It's melting the snow. I'm glad, it was getting annoying. Even though I don't have very many places to drive and my car has a gas leak anyway...

I can see my driveway. Albeit, under a lot of slush. But I can see it anyway, the rain is doing its job.

Ironically, the day before Christmas. It's ironic because of the "white Christmas" implied in Christmas songs. Last year, since it didn't snow a single time until Valentines Day we obviously didn't have a whit Christmas. I remember it raining on New Years Eve. I love New York.

So I thought this year we'd have a snowy Christmas for sure. The snow has been on the ground for a week and a half. But the day before Christmas the rain decides to finish out the rain. Unless it begins snowing again - which probably won't happen since I think the rain proves that the weather is "too warm" for snow....

Anyway. I love it. Snow is interesting. It can't fully explore it because it doesn't happen often enough, it's too cold to stand, and it's dangerous. It usually makes me stay in doors. But during the winter it's better to have white everywhere than brown. Still, it does not make me elated the way rain does. Rain simply makes my soul smile.

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