Saturday, December 1, 2007

nov 22

[22:11] BizZyTheKiD1030: you still want to know why im jealous
[22:11] IAMSpartacus117: ifyou want to tell me.
[22:11] BizZyTheKiD1030: Dan.
[22:12] IAMSpartacus117: why would you be jealous of him
[22:12] BizZyTheKiD1030: I dont know
[22:12] IAMSpartacus117: yes you do
[22:12] BizZyTheKiD1030: because i feel like i cant compare to him
[22:13] IAMSpartacus117: you've got one important thing he doesn't.
[22:13] BizZyTheKiD1030: what is that?
[22:13] IAMSpartacus117: you live in the same state as me.
[22:14] IAMSpartacus117: we can actually hang out and experience each other in a way that I'll never be able to with dan.
[22:14] BizZyTheKiD1030: yea..thats true
[22:15] IAMSpartacus117: it's not a secret that I really love dan. I have for a few years and I probably always will. but at the moment we're not pursuing that. He's trying to work things out with Jen. we're just friends.
[22:15] IAMSpartacus117: and you and I are just friends as well. You've got lyla.
[22:15] BizZyTheKiD1030: for now
[22:15] IAMSpartacus117: boys need to stop being so posessive.
[22:16] BizZyTheKiD1030: the way i feel for you is so pointless.
[22:16] IAMSpartacus117: how?
[22:16] BizZyTheKiD1030: its unrequited
[22:17] BizZyTheKiD1030: yea im with lyla
[22:17] BizZyTheKiD1030: but i dont think thats going to last much longer
[22:17] BizZyTheKiD1030: and you said already, your glad how things are now
[22:17] BizZyTheKiD1030: and im cool with that
[22:17] BizZyTheKiD1030: i like being your friend
[22:17] BizZyTheKiD1030: you make me smile
[22:17] BizZyTheKiD1030: your original lol
[22:18] BizZyTheKiD1030: i just wish more could happen, but then again, i think that if it ever does, when or if Dan wants you, you'll go
[22:18] BizZyTheKiD1030: im torn in so many ways
[22:18] BizZyTheKiD1030: and im sorry for bringing this up
[22:19] BizZyTheKiD1030: i like how we've been talking lately, well, when we are speaking, and i dont want this to make things weird at all
[22:19] BizZyTheKiD1030: and i know that i hurt you last time
[22:19] BizZyTheKiD1030: and im so sorry for that
[22:19] BizZyTheKiD1030: and im sorry for saying sorry so much
[22:19] BizZyTheKiD1030: but thats just me
[22:19] IAMSpartacus117: well
[22:21] IAMSpartacus117: I guess firstly I have to say that you told me you didn't think you and lyla were going to be together much longer about three months ago. and you still are. so I really have no reason to expect it to happen this time.
[22:21] BizZyTheKiD1030: i know...
[22:21] IAMSpartacus117: secondly. I like being your friend too. I have serious doubts that it would be a smart idea to be anything more.
[22:22] BizZyTheKiD1030: yea..

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