Sunday, December 30, 2007

I've been having so many dreams. But I usually don't put them down so I forget them. There was that one where I was involved with Mike. I'm sure I don't need to tell you that he is quite different in my dreams than he is in real life. So we can't be surprised. I had a dream that James sent me a message saying that he really didn't like it that we'd stopped being friends so suddenly. It was less of a, let's be friends now. And more of a, I really don't like the way things happened. If you know what I mean. I can't put into words exactly how he put his into words. Totally unrealistic. James wouldn't ever say that. And if he thought it, it would only be because he was bored - since that's what brought him over here in the first place.

I also had a dream that I went to France and women couldn't listen to music after four o' clock. I think that's what it was. When I woke up I was thinking it might have been that we couldn't listen to women's music after four. Or something crazy. It was oppressive! We went out with a guy, that might have been what the ban was, leaving the house after four. And something happened and I think a policeman came. I thought it was a policewoman though. I just remember that the guy was black and I wanted to say I was his sister so whatever I was doing wouldn't be illegal. So he said I was his adopted sister. There was another girl with us.

Whatever it was that was illegal in France, we were breaking the rules. It might have been women can't use their oven after four. Seriously. It was weird.

Then I had that dream about Isis and I jumping on the ride... and the woman saying that she didn't think Stephanie should trust any random person with Isis. I don't know why Stephanie was Isis's mom. But Stephanie defended me and I said that Isis was my niece, thus, just as dear to me.

Then there was the water... That's where I got James's message. In the car, I guess. On the opposite beach. But then the tide came up and we had to grab our picnic basket and get in the car and wonder how the car was going to swim across. However, it turned into a canoe and we practically flew across. Over the docks that were essentially flooding... past the people making fun of us for whatever. When the waves came I closed my eyes and just let everybody else fly the damn canoe. It really did seem like it was flying. Gliding is a better description but the lightness we had, with which to jump or whatever suited our needs... it was like flying.

Hmm. I think that's all I remember of last nights. I have a whole list of dreams that I didn't explain, I just made a list with keywords... maybe some day I'll go through them and explain them as best as I can remember, by this point.

I've barely spent more then ten minutes in my room. If even that. I've hardly spent more than an hour, that was doing a survey. I've ultimately just slept in here. And then went right back out into the little room with the fireplace. It gets massively hot in there. In the mornings before I turn it on, it's 50 degrees. Then once I turn it on it's nearly 85 degress. That's how much of a different it makes. Of course as you get further away the temp goes down. It's comfortable in the living room and kitchen. It's cold in the bathroom and bedrooms, mostly because they have doors that are often cold, if not small in the first place so not a lot of air circulates between the rooms and the rest of the house's air.

In any case, I've read a lot of books. I think I've finished five. But I'll finish another today. And surely one tomorrow and the next. See, I read many at once. If I told myself I would only read one a day then I would have to accept that some books take me two hours and some take me ten. So one day I'd be swamped and the next I'd be underworked. Thus, I read many a day so that I can spread the bulk of one book over a few days and I can finish the smaller books gradually. Only two of them so far have been begun and finished on the same day. Currently I think I'm in the middle of five. Most of them will take me three or four hours. But at this point, I'm so far in to HP that it will probably only take me two hours to finish it. According to my plans I was supposed to finish it today but I didn't read enough so I think it'll be done tomorrow.

I make myself a schedule. Mostly because I love to deal with numbers, repeatedly. And lists. And lists that I can cross things out on....

I'm making up for lost time. Since I read absolutely nothing in about two weeks. Essentially, I only have two weeks left until college begins again..

I guess I'm giving my music a time to relax. I haven't touched it since Christmas.

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