Sunday, January 20, 2008

That was beautiful.. I don't want to do anything else because I don't want to lose the story. I feel like reading it all over again. I didn't feel for part two so perhaps I'll leave that out. lol.

No, I wouldn't read it all over agian. I think I'll just read another of the same author.

Now that I've written it down I can relax and move on. It's like I've written a post it to myself saying, Don't Forget!

I love releasing my emotions.

They're still there though, just not as urgent.

My tooth aches. When I floss it feels like I'm pulling out my teeth. I only floss when I have something stuck in my teeth though.

I think I'll sleep. I still feel a touch of sadness, loss, now that the story is over. Because even though it had a touching, happy ending, I've lost the character. You know? She doesn't exist anymore, unless I begin again.

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