Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Well, I didn't have nightmares about the thruways and all those damn exits.

It was a memorable experience to spend the first hour of the new year dealing with my utter incompetence when it comes to getting home from the mall. Which I seem to have done about 50 times before.... yet I refused to pay attention.

And when the time came for me to use that information I was blank. I finally managed to find a good address to put in mapquest and get myself home. Even then I got lost but I didn't despair because I now knew what to look for. Good times. Especially since I was wasting Amelia's gas. Muahaha.

She thinks I was home all alone missing Isis. And there's no way to tell her it isn't true because she hasn't been home. I'll just have to go back out to the movies again...

It's horrible. Costs so much money. I think about ten dollars for the movie theater.... 3 or 4 dollars for a video rental store.... and then free from the library!! Which would I rather do? I mean it costs 3 or 4 dollars for a small sprite at this movie theater, need I say more? It costs a dollar fifty for a whole liter of sprite at walmart! And it costs eleven dollars to buy the movie from Walmart!

Yeah, I may as well just purchase all of these movies and then watch them as much as I want. Even if I have to wait a few months. There are only a select few that are worth watching on the big screen. My aunt and uncle had a mini big screen in their house. Like they had a mini movie theater in their house with the seats and everything. I wish I had one of those. Of course, if I were them, I would have been able to go to any movie for free. I always wanted to work at a movie theater. I should try...

I'm better off not being greedy about watching these movies as fast as they come out. I may as well take my time and watch them from the library... or illegally online.... humph.

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