Sunday, October 7, 2007

Damnet. When I looked up what day Isis's birthday would be on, I looked for Monday and forgot that today is the seventh. Her birthday is on the fifteenth. And luckily that is on a Monday so that we can be with her but also so that her father can say happy birthday to her. I hope he doesn't ask to spent time with her... because he drops her off at noon on Monday. And I think I'm going to skip my French class so that I can come home at 3, instead of Six:15. Ha, that's funny. Six:Fifteen. lol. Nvm. I'm going to make her spice cake. I used to make awesome spice cake.

But in any case, it's not tomorrow it's the next Monday. I can't wait. This week is her last week of months. After this she can promptly be known by years. Although I just bought a summer outfit for her that said 18months. Them people don't know when to quit...

It's John's mom's birthday today... Well it would be if she were still alive.
Her name is Melissa too.

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