Monday, October 29, 2007

That's one of the finer things about my friendship with Dan. He lets me bitch at him. And when I bitch, that's the thing, I'm not just bitching... I'm doing my fiery arguing, lecturing thing. That's my passion. To argue and to lecture. Not to rant. Not to fight personally. But to debate and to counsel people. And whether he resents it or not, he submits. I won't say I'm glad he's submissive. But I will say that it benefits me because many others don't take it very lightly and it gets messy.

I feel like I'm most who I am when I'm arguing and lecturing. I can feel myself rushing through my veins. I can feel my spirit. And it never had a God damn thing to do with who I'm arguing with or the topic or the counseling. Because it's, in a sense, all the same to me. It's just a part of who I am.

But a very offensive part, I seem to find. Although it's never meant to be offensive because as I say, it's really not particular to who or what it's about. It just feels good to be myself. And Dan has yet to give me trouble for it. If anything, when he does bring it up, most often he respects it more than resents it --at least to my face, so to speak.

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