Saturday, October 13, 2007

The sun is out. It hasn't been out for about six days. No joke. It's really been missing. It's been raining each day, but even when it wasn't raining, the clouds were hanging around thickly. I didn't mind it. It's beginning to be fall. It's dreadful. As long as the green is fading away, I might as well have it cold and dreary, but not so with rain. It's like a cold and dreary that I don't mind. Rain just doesn't make me unhappy. I told my friend, ha, she's my friend, Nikki a bunch of stuff about the rain. Like we were complaining that it was raining out.

But the only reason I did that is because my windshield wipers suck and I didn't want to walk to the parking lot with my books unexposed. Plus, I wasn't wearing my rain boots, I was wearing my snow boots. I suppose when I think about it they can stand to get wet if they're snow boots. But they're showey snow boots. Not durable. So I was hesitant about walking in the rain with them. And when I got in my car I realized that I may have sounded like someone who doesn't like rain. I may have to tell her how much that isn't true. I have to correctly represent myself.

I was just thinking that I should buy that mummy costume, it's all white, and I should dye it bright yellow and be a sun goddess. :) I was considering that the only two outfits I've picked out so far is the white mummy outfit and the pink and gray viking outfit. Those are seriously my three least favorite colors. But they both look good on me. But I don't feel them. I don't want to be some average costume character. Some random costume character. I want to be something that's witty. Daphne was witty. Because I love Scooby-Doo so much and I looked so much like her. Although not a single person know what I was just by looking at me. But anyway... I don't know. But if I'm going to spend $30, it may as well be something good.

Valley of the Dolls is so depressing. I knew that, of course. Because I saw the movie first. All my books I've seen the movie first!!! I have this whole list and probably 80% of them have been made into movies. Like I saw the movie Valley of the Dolls before I'd heard of the book. Then I checked out the book and read half of it, last year. So now I'm rereading it. And then I plan to watch the movie again. :) Maybe. That's what I'm doing with Emma and Pride & Prejudice. I saw both movies, a couple years ago. Then I read the books. Now I'm rewatching the movies.

Of my list of books that have been made into movies that I've watched there are: Gia, Lord of the Rings, Eragon, Marie Antoinette-The Journey, Queen of the Damned, Les Miserables, Dracula, The Count of Monte Cristo, Vanity Fair, Little Women, The Three Musketeers, Treasure Island, A Little Princess, Jeeves and Wooster, The Jungle Book, The Secret Garden, The Phantom of the Opera, Winnie the Pooh, The Mists of Avalon, and Daniel Deronda. Plus Emma, Pride & Prejudice and Valley of the Dolls.

Every single one of those I've seen the movie before I read the book. Although, I have to say that I read the first three pages of Lord of the Rings before the movies came out. :) I couldn't hold my interest though. The thing is, most of them are classics or if not classics then at least classically known, like The Jungle Book. I think Lindstrom read that in 9th grade. I've tried to read most of these unsuccessfully. I've picked up and put down shortly after or simply just checked out and never opened up Gia, Lord of the Rings, Marie Antoinette, Queen of the Damned, Les Miserables, Jeeves and Wooster, The Secret Garden when I was like 7, The Phantom of the Opera, Winnie the Pooh, Valley of the Dolls and The Mists of Avalon. So I'm making an effort here. To read all these books that have been on my list.

I didn't mean to choose books that I'd seen the movies of. But the thing is, I chose books that I was familiar with because I wanted to be interested in them. I didn't want to sift through books that I was unsure about. Especially classics. So since I'd seen all of the movies, I at least knew the general story, and liked it. It was unconsciously done. I tried reading Wuthering Heights. I hate that book. I also noticed that many of my books were written by female authors. I'm tempted to put Jane Eyre and Anne of Avonlea on my list. Naturally I've seen those movies and tried to read both books afterwards. But Jane Eyre always upsets me. It has a very depressing story and I know that the book will be ten times more indepth and more depressing and I just can't go headlong into a story that will take a long time to read and will really affect me badly. The movie hits me deep. I can still feel the leftover vibration of it -from May. Anne of Avonlea isort of a series though. Anne of Green Gables and Anne of Avonlea. My mom read them when she was young.

One of these days I'm going to have to attempt to read some of the Agatha Christie or Mary Higgens Clark mysteries. As well as Sherlock Holmes. I guess they're all adult mysteries. I mean, I read The Babysitters Club and Nancy Drew... I read the good stuff. It always surprised me that I never read the classic mysteries. Although I do have a Sherlock Holmes on my list. We used to have it when I was younger but it looked scary. Maybe that's why I didn't read mysteries. I loved them, but I didn't want to be constantly scared... who knows.

I have, of course, seen many BBC Productions of Agatha Christie and Sherlock Holmes. Ha.

I have 41 books so far. And you'd think I'd be crossing books off the list as I finish them but no such thing, I'm only adding more as I go. Doubling the list every once in a while. If I really wanted to get intense I could go to some of my previous lists. I've made A LOT of book lists in my lifetime. I have one particular "classics" list that I made in Sweden... But this time I've actually put some time in. I've only read about six so far but I read like two or three hours a day. I'm getting good at being patient. I'm often not patient with books, no matter how much I love them.

I used to have 9 days for each book I had on my list so that I could finish them all by the end of the year. And when I added more books, I knew it didn't matter because if I read enough I could finish each book within a few days. But now I've just got way too many. There's no way I could read 40 books in 90 days because a lot of these are big. Plus, I really want to enjoy some of them and to dissolve them in one Saturday is sad. Even if it means I get to dissolve many. I have my whole life ahead of me... Plus I'm balancing this with school and homework and all the seasons of tv shows that I spend a lot of time watching... and I like to get a lot of sleep and spend time with my niece. No, it's not worth it to try that hard.

So we'll see if this even lasts throughout November. I usually get bored within a couple months of intense reading. I not only have book lists of what I want to read but I have books lists of all that I've read. From 9th grade on, although I've misplaced the lists. I have so many papers. But when I find them I'll have nearly every book I've read in the past five years. And all of them have been read in phases. I get in phases where I read 20 books and then I give up for the next nine months. And then read twenty more. And then give up again. It's just my constant battle between the love for books and the love for life.

Anyway, I better get reading. And studying for my French test. And going to Walmart to buy ingredients for Isis's birthday cake. That requires a shower and some make up. Aww :( I hate getting pretty on weekends. Such a drag. Hmm...

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