Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Yesssss. It took a lot of work but I finally finished reading the first seven chapters. We're only required to read half of the eight chapter so I have six pages left. You think six pages is nothing but it's difficult reading because I have to carefully absorb all the details of like 15 different societies. I have to memorize all the leaders of the societies, the names that the societies took, the areas that these people inhabited, the political, social, economic, agricultural and spiritual positions they each took and the like....

Plus it's fascinating but dry. It's hard to concentrate so I often wander away or rush on without absorbing the information. So I have to read very slowly and cautiously and make sure I take notice of all the key words, like a photograph, so that even if I don't know the answer on the test, I can guess based on my vague memory of what they're talking about.

So what I'm saying is, each chapter was 13 pages. But each chapter took about an hour to read. And damnet, there's not going to be more than like three questions a damn chapter on the test. Plus I read nearly 200 pages in Guns, Germs and Steel. Three hundred pages worth of history and agricultural facts.... oye. What dedicated college students have to submit themselves to.

I still have a lot of studying to do. Take the practice quizzes and such. I like all my other professors better. The ones that hesitate to test someone on more than three chapters at a time. Most of them do two, I believe. ... Crazy Western Civilization professor.

But I feel satisfied. In doing what it takes to succeed. Not to jump the gun, because I could not succeed as much as I hope on the test, bite my tongue... But I mean, I've worked hard. On my own time, granted... I didn't pay much attention in class. But he is a weird teacher, man. Paying attention may not have helped any more than this has. Who can say..

I'm gonna go play with Isis before school. I'm trying to teach her to say please instead of scream when she wants something. :p

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