Tuesday, October 2, 2007

At this rate I'm hardly going to get to 100. But I write more than some..

So I had some weird dreams that are finally semi interesting to me. Enough that I'll put them in here. The first was about buying a house. I wanted to buy a house. Which is silly because I'm 17. I suggested Amelia live with me though. And I guess the house was being sold on Monday and this was Sunday so I was going to go take a look and try to buy it if I liked it. But it was a silly idea and yet my mom wanted to go. So I asked her if The Masters thought there was any reason we should go. And they say there was, because I was soon going to have a baby. Which bothered me because I don't want a baby and I don't want to be pregnant! That's what I get for being adult enough to buy a house but not adult enough to have a family to live in it with me...

My mom told me something like, this makes $35 for birth control worth it, right? And I said that if a baby was meant to be not timing, birth control or condoms could prevent it.

So I guess Amelia and I were walking down the street and there was some kind of riot... but it was with hispanics so I exclaimed that a Mexican would rape me and that's how I'd get pregnant. But then I saw Mary-Kate and Ashley in bikinis. And I laughed really hard because I knew that with them around I wasn't likely to be the one raped.

And then I was on a field trip but I can't quite remember what happened there... It's kind of abstract, without plot.

And then I was back home but this time I was sort of part of the Charmed Ones. We had three dalmatians. I think one of our boyfriends gave it to us. But he broke back in to take the dalmatians, cause that's what our boyfriends do, they end up being demons. But he wasn't a demon and that's why we didn't want to use magic on him. However, Phoebe could still do her martial arts moves. But she didn't. She can kick a demon's ass but can't do her martial arts when it's really needed. Even one of the little boys asked why she didn't use her kung fu. I don't know who that little boy was. It could have been Piper's son but he seemed familiar to me in another way.

In any case I don't know if he took one puppy or if he just simply got away. But then a woman came... this part is vague, but the ending is that she turned into Cruella Deville. lol. I think she appeared to be someone else at first and she tried to steal the puppies.

But then the dream changed to me and Loren talking about how Stephanie had broken up with her boyfriend and took up his offer to date her. Yeah, I'm talking about my brother and my sister dating. And they are fully related. Loren isn't the one interested in dating Stephanie in real life but oh well, he is in my dream. I thought, surely, that he would take back his offer but he said he wasn't going to. So then I was talking to Stephanie about it. Because I kept thinking, ew, are they really going to have sex. And she was like, I know, I know, it's a kind of a bad way to start a relationship. It would be better if we were half or step but we're not.

And I just kept thinking, if they have babies.... but Isis then woke me up. She was 15 minutes early. My real alarm was set for 9AM.

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