Friday, May 23, 2008

Soo my campaign is going along good. Wait, that doesn't make sense, is it a campaign?

Well anyway. OWE. I really just hurt my clit.
Don't ask me how.

Yeah, I don't have a campaign. But I have a course of actions, you could say. And it's coming along nicely.

Garland IMed me yesterday. He said we should switch back the books. He's got two of mine and I've got two of his. It's been like nine or ten months. O.O

And Felix IMed me and said !!!!!!!. I guess because I haven't been on in a while. And I told him that I had specifically started going on MSN again to catch him so we could talk. So now we're talking again. It's awesome. Except he's really horny. And even more so because I'm legal now.

Shawn and I are still talking but he's a little bit slower in conversation. Not as comfortable, perhaps? I don't know.

So I added Frank on myspace. But he, thus far, does not remember me. Go figure. Epic but insignificant. In the long run, I never meant much to him. I can tell those types. Shawn and Felix always talked to me. Like, steady talking to me pretty much the whole time. Except when I was telling them to fuck off. But I mean, they didn't do the Dan thing where they come to say hello only when they're simultaneously telling me they love me. And then leave when they've done doing that. Frank does that. He blows in here and gets epic with me and then a few weeks later he's gone. And when I say gone, I mean gone. I think he blocks me. I know he gets a new sn often as well. Three that I know of, but he obviously doesn't tell me the others. So in any case, when he's gone, he's impossible to reach. Not that I recall ever trying, funny enough.

It's weird. I SERIOUSLY had two billion guys. An intimate relationship with all of them. I didn't really remember that they were like all at once. In a six month span, I must have told I love you to, and flirted and talked about sex with 5 or 6 people. And then shortly after all of those ended, I made out with the other Dave, starting dating Jason, and then fell in love with Mike - in the next three months.

I mean, I was close to Shannon the whole time. But she had Stogner and I was resentful, so I was glad to have tons of other people. And I was in love with Dave pretty much the whole time, but he often ignored me. So I had Shannon and then I began dating Dan at the beginning of tenth grade, but I was also cybering with Shawn around that time, partly while we were dating cause Dan was not being a good boyfriend at all. And I was talking to Shawn all night on the phone so I was really close to him.

But then I started talking to Frank again. He blew in here and decided he loved me. Which is kind of hard because him and Shawn are best friends. But then Frank realized he didn't love me. Partly because he read my lj and it showed how many people I lusted with. He had a point, to be offended. But it was unnecessary to call me a whore (as Shawn's sister had done, and Frank seemed to agree). As I told him, there's a difference between lust and action. I lusted after everyone, raging hormones. But I wouldn't have even had sex with any of them, if I could have. At least not most of them. I would have had to have been serious with only one of them and then maybe. And I obviously would not have had sex with all of them during the same period. I mean, I had sex with Mike cause we were dating seriously and I haven't had sex since we broke up because I haven't been dating anyone seriously again. It was definitely no different back then, because I hadn't lost my virginity yet. It seems like a lifetime ago, but it was only eight months before I lost my virginity.

So Frank stopped liking me after New Years. Dan was with someone else by that time and I had become sick of Shawn. And Felix, I don't quite remember. He was kind of in and out. I knew Felix before Shawn and Frank though. It was kind of funny though because Frank accused me of like cybering with everybody. And I said that I had only done it with three people. Which is true. But the two people I'd done it with were Felix and Shawn, both of Frank's best friends. So terrible. lol. But I got to know Shawn and Felix more than Frank cause as I said, he would just come and go like a tornado.

And then Dave started liking me in Feb or something. But that didn't get anywhere because he was simultaneously ashamed of me. He wanted to keep his feelings for me a secret. And then that died, quickly. And he started dating Erica, but he made her keep the relationship secret and I felt really bad for her, because it's a lame situation and I passed it up, but she didn't.

So that came and went. And Shannon and I had a fight and stopped being friends for good.

So then I started talking to Mike in Feb or April. And I made out with Dave and started dating Jason, but he was being stupid. And then by May, Mike and I realized we liked each other so he dumped his gf and tried to get me to dump Jason so we could date.

Anyway. Mike kind of settled my lust and emotions. I mean, I haven't been crazy about guys since. And definitely not while I was dating Mike. I had Dan and John at the same time but I kind of tried to avoid that. I started liking John while Dan and I weren't talking. And It's not my fault John is a stupidass, who can't make up his mind about me. Although, currently, he's made up his mind that he doesn't love me. Which is fine with me. ANYWAY. Kristen just IMed me...

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