Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Gosh, that was annoying. I just sit here and watch the same particular characters for hours straight. Like ten hours straight, to be honest. And I pretty much study them. I analyze all their new appearances and etc. I detect their attitudes and their moods and etc. I guess what I'm saying is, I analyze what I like.

And in any case, my point is, I get so into it, so out of my own life, so into their lives -- because of such an excessive amount of time... that when the season is over I integrate some of their habits and mannerisms. It's almost like, I expect it... I've just been watching it for all of these hours and it sort of comes to life for me, so when it's over, I expect it to still be real. So I sometimes carry on the moods and especially the tone of the tv show.

That's what I did with Friends. I did that dramatic thing that Monica always does and I did the sarcasm of Chandler. After I'm done watching Gilmore Girls I do that silly wit that Lorelai does. You know how she creates the most ridiculous scenarios. It's wit but it's definitely an original wit. So I carry that on. After Veronica Mars I have more sarcasm, although I'm not very good at it. I'm better at Chandler's sarcasm cause it's a joke-type sarcasm. Logan is actually being sardonic. I'm not good at sardonisism.

Plus, I'm taking on Veronica's way of talking. It's hard to explain. It's something like, she talks a lot. In real life, people interrupt you and you don't always get to say what you want to say. In TV, interruptions look so fake because they're always so obviously planned. Because otherwise, things like that don't happen in TV. Every character is supposed to say what they have to say. So Veronica is always talking like she knows everything she has to say will be heard. Like she knows she deserves to be heard. And so sometimes her retorts or her comebacks are just a tiny bit lengthy. And they're always witty and very cute. It's not always with people she doesn't like, it's just her relationship with the general public has been bad so she's sassy automatically, since she expects people not to like her.

So even when people are coming up to her with good things, she says something back. And I haven't copied that retorting thing. I've only poorly attempted the sarcasm/sardonisism. But I think I took that from Logan. Maybe his wasn't very good in the first place and that's why it hasn't inspired me but in any case, I have sort of taken that excessive talking.

And as I was chatting away to Dan I realized that if I had been Veronica Mars, everything that I'd have said, would have been cute and witty. She has a cheery twist to her wit, that's what keeps the tone light. And I did copy that light tone, even though I didn't copy the wit. But I realized that everything I was babbling about was not as cool as everything Veronica Mars babbles about. Granted, no duh, because writers carefully consider everything she says. And they're good. But still, it's almost like I'm attempting to be her but it's turning out so badly.

If I had to choose between being me and being her, I would prefer to be me. I'm a pretty cool person and I like my own style. I really like hers too but I'm not that envious. But when I try to mix the two..... agh, it sucks. So I have to sort of get out of the Veronica Mars mode and start being myself.

But since I just ordered the third season online and it should be here soon... I'm going to be right back into that mode. But not before I watch a lot of Remington Steele. That's a good show too. But I can't say I pick up any of their elements. Even though I like them a lot. I guess they're not flashy enough. They are from the 90's. or 80's quite possibly.

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