Sunday, November 18, 2007

See now that's a good book, Mary Higgins Clark let her character have a happy ending, she was like literally seconds away from death and even when they got her back and did the operation it could have threated for her to not have kids but HA. She's alright. She's in love. And she can have kids. I love it. I freakin hate it when authors kill off the characters. Ironically, I just read a novella by Mary Higgins Clark a couple days ago and the heroine died in the end.

If I had to say what made her not kill off this character I would say it's the suspense. From the beginning we knew, even though the characters didn't know, who the bad guy was. And we watched as step by step he made all these counterproductive moved on the characters. And I really thought she was going to let Katie die but there was so much suspense because we saw him make efforts to kill her and nobody the wiser to save her so it was a turnaround to have her live.

I think sometimes authors throw in surprising deaths to make a twist to keep things entertaining, not predictable and boring. Personally, it's a horrible entertainment and it makes me depressed. I will take the fairy tale ending in every single damn book I read and never good bored. I'm an optimist.

Anyway, my point in mentioning it was to sort of silently compliment Mary Higgins Clark for her suspenseful way of keeping the book entertaining but not throwing in a horrible ending. I mean, sure, she killed three other people on the way but they were not the heroine and considering her occupation, deaths were the whole point in getting her involved in the story. So I can stand to lose a few. :)

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