Sunday, November 25, 2007

Well, I just did not feel like reading this thanksgiving break. I honestly don't believe I've read a single page. I was due to read six hours a day to meet my goal. Humph. I think my tight schedule took all the fun out of it. And part of it was that because I expected my goal to be met, I had already taken the hypothetical pleasure in meeting that goal in my mind. Do you know what I mean? The greatest pleasure comes from unexpectedness. Like when you know you're good at sculpting but not painting. So when you make a great sculpture it's not always as rewarding because you've expected it. But when you do a fabulous painting you feel more pleasure from it.

That's not always the case but it was this time. I like to sit down and by the end of the day have surpassed my expectations. Originally, that's what I meant to do. I first started with five or six books to be read and then I kept adding to the list and ended up with like 13 books and if I could get that many done it would have made me feel rewarded because it was so many. But once I'd gotten it down to the exact science, I was less interested.

But it was also that I had so many other things to do. I was determined to spend time with Isis although I really didn't spend very much time with her at all. I also had to watch Remington Steele, Monk and Boston Legal. I'm not done with Boston Legal so even though I'm pretty much in the mood to sit down and read, for the first time in the past six days... I can't spend too much time reading because I have eight hours more of Boston Legal and it's due tomorrow. Plus I talked on the phone a lot. I can't remember who interrupted it first. I was reading Interview With the Vampire. That must have been Monday. Somebody called me and I put my book down to talk to them and I haven't picked it back up again.

I've also really been into Spider Solitaire lately. I'm trying to get good at four suits. I'm good at the other difficulty levels but not this one. I can't seem to win. I'm so terrible and it bothers me. I know I could be better. So I've been playing around the clock. I've not gotten any better so far. To be honest, I won the first time I played. I erased my statistics and was determined to win every single game so I won ten of the one suit, ten of two suits.. to warm myself up. And then I went to four suits. And I won the first game. And I haven't won since. I've actually been cheating though. After trying to win a particular game for an hour or something I finally quit. I use my task manager to force quit and it won't put the losing statistic up. I found that out because I had a game up and Isis accidentally rebooted my computer and I checked the statistic and it wasn't there so I realized that if it was force quited as opposed to being closed... it would make a difference. But I have lost a lot of games. It doesn't seem to be any use.

In any case, I can multi task and do that while I watch TV, but not while I read a book. I was actually playing solitaire earlier in the week and I wanted to keep doing it so I put on Tv just so that I wouldn't be wasting my time, since I knew I had a bunch of stuff to watch. I guess I haven't kicked the duo.

Sometimes I'm disappointed in my manner of doing things. But there's so little time. And I have so much gluttony. So I'm essentially forced.

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